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5 ways to save pennies by eating plant-based

5 ways to save pennies by eating plant-based

Forget the myth that all plant-based food is expensive.

Eating ultra processed meat-alternatives like veggie burgers and sausages can definitely stack up. However, sticking to whole foods and veg such as lentils, grains, beans and rice is extremely cost effective. 

In fact, a recent study from Oxford University has shown that adopting a vegan diet can reduce the total cost of your food shop by a third! But it’s tricky to know where to start. Below, we’ve compiled some of our favourite tips and low-cost recipes as a guide to help you save both your pennies and the planet.

1. Plan your meals

This is the ultimate first step to start reducing the cost of your food shop. Once you’ve planned your meals, write a shopping list and make sure to stick to it! The last step may be a true test of willpower, but you’ll find your shop will take half the time and you won’t be tempted to buy unnecessary things that are destined to be forgotten on the fridge shelf. Our custom-made Meal Planner has exclusive recipes from Ixta Belfrage, tips and mindful exercises to get you started!


2. Eat with the seasons

Seasonal fruit and veg is not only more affordable, but also more nutritious. It’s grown in natural conditions and can be easily transported to the point of sale, therefore reducing the need for pesticides and preservatives otherwise used to prolong the shelf life of out of season produce. Here is an excellent guide curated by the National Trust signalling what produce is best to buy each month and how to get started with growing your own!

3. Cut your food waste

Shockingly, 30% of the food bought in UK homes goes to waste and of this, almost three quarters is perfectly good to eat. Reducing your food waste maximises what you can get out of your budget. Firstly, know your dates. ‘Use-by’ is the only one you need to pay attention to. ‘Best before’, ‘display by’ and ‘sell-by’ dates are purely for the purpose of retailers and can be ignored. Secondly, stock your store cupboard! Spices, carbs and our colourful ready-to-eat pouches can help you turn today’s leftovers into tomorrow’s lunch.



4. Get creative in the kitchen

Save money on your takeaway and chef up a hearty fakeaway curry instead. There is a whole host of great vegan, cost-effective recipes out there to discover and plan your food shops around. If you’re struggling for inspo, head to our website to find over 100 plant-based recipes packed with goodness. We also love Jack Munroe’s blog, Cooking on a Bootstrap, for their creative and nutritious approach to making vegan meals that total on average under 50p per portion.

5. Love the lentil

Feed 4 for under £10 with our celebrated Caramelised Onion & Puy Lentil Dhal. At just £2.40 per portion this protein-packed dish is the ultimate Winter winner. Here are the ingredients ready to whack on your shopping list:

Ingredients (serves 4):

  • 2 x pouches of Merchant Gourmet Puy Lentils
  • 2 onions
  • 3-4 garlic cloves
  • Small knob of ginger
  • 1 x 200g tin of coconut milk
  • 1 lime
  • Handful of coriander
  • 3 teaspoons of curry powder
  • Half a jar of curry paste
  • 1 tin of chopped tomatoes
  • 1 tsp of sugar


    As you’ve seen, transitioning to a plant-based diet could you benefit both you and your savings. What are you waiting for?