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Mikayla’s Creamy Mushroom Orzo

30 minutes
Make Mikayla’s celebration of mushrooms with this creamy orzo dish. The dried mushrooms deliver heaps of texture and a rich umami flavour.
Head to @mikaylacooks_ on Instagram for more recipes like this

Mikayla’s Creamy Mushroom Orzo

30 minutes
Make Mikayla’s celebration of mushrooms with this creamy orzo dish. The dried mushrooms deliver heaps of texture and a rich umami flavour.
Head to @mikaylacooks_ on Instagram for more recipes like this


  • 1 clove garlic
  • 2 medium shallots
  • 1 pack speciality fresh mushrooms
  • 1/2 pack Merchant Gourmet Mixed Mushrooms
  • 150ml white wine/fizz (or use extra stock)
  • 300ml vegetable stock
  • 200g orzo 
  • 100g crème fraiche, or plant based alternative
  • Parsley
  • Parmesan, or plant based alternative
  • Olive oil 


  1. Start by soaking the Merchant Gourmet Mixed Mushrooms in 300ml water to rehydrate.

    Prep the speciality mushrooms. Tear two-thirds roughly to use in the orzo, then thinly shred the other third and set aside to use to make the crispy topping.
    In a wide based pan, sweat the shallots down in a little olive oil on a low heat. After 2 minutes, add the garlic and continue cooking until translucent.
    Deglaze the pan with the wine and reduce until the alcohol has been cooked off. Add the orzo to the pan and toast for a couple of minutes, before adding the rehydrated mushrooms with their broth and the vegetable stock.
    Simmer for 5 minutes uncovered, then add the speciality mushrooms, cover and simmer for another 5 minutes. By this point, the orzo should have absorbed the liquid, be plump and al dente. Cook for a further minute or two if it is a little underdone.
    Whilst the orzo is cooking, season and fry the shredded mushrooms in olive oil until crispy.
    Finally, stir the creme fraiche into the orzo and season to taste before serving.
    Plate up with the crispy mushrooms, a sprinkle of parsley, drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and a grating of parmesan

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